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Home>Latest Research>Chip-based measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution

March 20, 2020

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Chip-based measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution

Semenenko, H.; Sibson, P.; Hart, A.; Thompson, M. G.; Rarity, J. G.; Erven, C. Optica 7, 238-242 (2020) DOI:

Modern communication strives towards provably secure systems which can be widely deployed. Quantum key distribution provides a methodology to verify the integrity and security of a key exchange based on physical laws. However, physical systems often fall short of theoretical models, meaning they can be compromised through uncharacterized side-channels. The complexity of detection means that the measurement system is a vulnerable target for an adversary. Here, we present secure key exchange up to 200 km while removing all side-channels from the measurement system. We use mass-manufacturable, monolithically integrated transmitters that represent an accessible, quantum-ready communication platform. This work demonstrates a network topology that allows secure equipment sharing which is accessible with a cost-effective transmitter, significantly reducing the barrier for widespread uptake of quantum-secured communication.

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