Ground-based entanglement transmitter for the Canadian QEYSSAT mission

Home>Research Community>Collaboration Opportunities>Partnership Resource>Ground-based entanglement transmitter for the Canadian QEYSSAT mission

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is being rolled out worldwide across terrestrial, fibre-based networks, however, for intercontinental distances, QKD will have to rely on satellites, which exchange photons with ground stations to generate the encryption keys.

This project, led by researchers at Heriot-Watt University will develop an ultra-bright entangled photon transmitter compatible with the Canadian Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite (QEYSSat) mission, led by partner the University of Waterloo. One photon will match the operating wavelength of the QEYSSat BB84 receiver, while the other will be at telecom wavelength for interfacing terrestrial networks. The modular transmitter will be compatible with all optical ground stations (OGS) deployed by the Hub. This project will make entanglement-enhanced intercontinental QKD between the UK and Canada possible.

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