Entanglement-Based Networking

Home>Research Community>About the Hub>Phase 2>Entanglement-Based Networking

The Hub is aiming to develop quantum network technologies that enable secure medium- to long-distance quantum communication in fibre networks spanning more than two adjacent nodes. The objectives are: (i) practical multi-user entanglement distribution and repeater-enabling quantum technology  for eventual deployment to the UKQN; (ii) development of practical protocols based on complex network topologies, realised e.g., via medium-sized photonic clusters; (iii) network-layer systems engineering related to up-time, interoperability of inhomogeneous sub-system components, loss and noise resilience, inter-node synchronization and traffic management. All this work provides steps towards the longer term goal of a future quantum internet.

Important information

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Information on the Hub’s SPOQC quantum cubesat mission, scheduled to launch in 2025, can be accessed in this section, but please note that this website will no longer be updated with new content. Information around the launch of the mission will be publicised through press releases.