HiQ – QKD on High Altitude Platforms: Proof of Concept & Demonstration

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High Altitude Platforms – HAPS – are designed to operate in a stratosphere at 17 – 22km altitude, a benign band in the atmosphere that enables efficient station-keeping. Here, they are closer to the Earth than satellites, with improved link budgets, and a field of view sufficient for regional coverage. HAPS station-keeping facilitates continuous service and re-location, providing flexibility in the point of service delivery. QKD from HAPS has the potential to fulfil an increased number of requirements beyond satellites, while also playing a part in the strategic visions of a global quantum-secured network backbone based on Space and Near-Space – especially the Stratosphere. HiQ builds on a previous feasibility study at York that established the viability of QKD from HAPS. An experimental free-space testing phase is currently underway, using line-of-sight test ranges up to 20km, as well as a tethered Helikite aerial platform operating up to 400m with greater positional instability than that of the relative calm of the stratosphere at 20km. The next stage in the testing / demonstration process is a flight at high altitude on platform with an operational QKD payload. The project will build a CV-QKD payload, which will be tested in conjunction with UK industry partners who have expertise in the design, building and operation of HAPS.  CV-QKD offers particular advantages for stratospheric delivery, operating with transmitters and receivers of reduced size and physical complexity, in addition to offering daylight operation.

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Information on the Hub’s SPOQC quantum cubesat mission, scheduled to launch in 2025, can be accessed in this section, but please note that this website will no longer be updated with new content. Information around the launch of the mission will be publicised through press releases.