R&D Partnerships

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Partner with us

The Hub welcomes approaches for potential partnerships from academic or industrial collaborators with interests aligned to our work. There are various ways to get involved: through applying to the Hub’s partnership resource fund; working together on externally funded industry led projects; collaborating on joint applications to other external funding sources, including international schemes.

The Hub has already funded and been involved in numerous projects with strategic potential: feasibility studies; proofs of concept; preliminary developments; demonstrators and major commercialisation initiatives; examples of some of these can be seen below.

Partnership Resource

Find out more about our Partnership Resource funded projects.

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Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund

Find out more about ISCF projects we are involved in.

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Important information

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Quantum Communications Hub (2014-2024). The project is now complete but you can still explore all our resources on this website. You can also download our legacy report through this link

Information on the Hub’s SPOQC quantum cubesat mission, scheduled to launch in 2025, can be accessed in this section, but please note that this website will no longer be updated with new content. Information around the launch of the mission will be publicised through press releases.